Impact of the early phase of COVID-19 on the trends of isolated bacteria in the national database of Japan: an interrupted time-series analysis
Since the early phase of the coronavirus disease (2019) COVID-19 in Japan, there has
been a change in awareness and behavior among the public, including “keeping social
distance,” “washing hands,” and “wearing masks,” which have improved public health
by preventing infections. The most impactful trigger for the public in Japan for these
changes in awareness and behavior was the widespread infection of COVID-19 on cruise
ships in early February 2020. At the same time, the number of opportunities for people
to come into contact was reduced by the declaration of a state of emergency and the
closure of schools 1.
been a change in awareness and behavior among the public, including “keeping social
distance,” “washing hands,” and “wearing masks,” which have improved public health
by preventing infections. The most impactful trigger for the public in Japan for these
changes in awareness and behavior was the widespread infection of COVID-19 on cruise
ships in early February 2020. At the same time, the number of opportunities for people
to come into contact was reduced by the declaration of a state of emergency and the
closure of schools 1.
- Kakimoto, M., Miyamori, D., Omori, K., Kobayashi, T., Ikeda, K., Kashiyama, S., Ohge, H., & Ito, M. (2023). Impact of the early phase of COVID-19 on the trends of isolated bacteria in the national database of Japan: An interrupted time-series analysis. Journal of Infection, 86(2), 147–153.
本研究は、新型コロナウイルス (COVID-19) 流行初期が、日本全国の医療機関から分離された細菌の動向に与えた影響を調べたものだ。
- 日本のデータベース (J-SIPHE) を用いて、約200施設に入院中の患者から検出された細菌陽性培養結果を抽出した。
- 集計は、毎月ごとに分離された細菌の種類 (10種) の合計に対する比率で行った。
- 2019年1月~2020年1月 (13ヶ月分) と、2020年5月~2020年12月 (8ヶ月分) の計21ヶ月分のデータを対象に、中断時系列分析を実施した。
- 合計36万9210株の細菌が分離された。
- 分離率が有意に減少したのは、肺炎球菌、インフルエンザ菌、化膿性レンサ球菌の3種で、それぞれ0.272 (95%信頼区間 [CI]: 0.192-0.352)、0.244 (95%CI: 0.174-0.314)、0.324 (95%CI: 0.06-0.589) 減少した。
- 一方、接触感染経路と考えられる黄色ブドウ球菌など分離率は減少していない。
- 分離率の傾き変化については、どの菌種でも有意な差は認められなかった。